Saturday, November 12, 2016

Last Breakfast Ride of the Year

10...9...8...7...6...5....... Smile everyone!!
We had a great turnout for our season-ending breakfast and our last Cyclopath get-together before the holidays! Donna, Gail, Fran and Sheldon, Little Dave, Ducky, Tam, globetrotters Ed (back from Cuba) and Paul and Joan (both leaving for Chile tomorrow) met at Brother's Taverna for a great breakfast. Wasn't it fun to see so many happy, smiling faces today?! (Av and Laurie, you were greatly missed.) There was love and friendship all around -- extended to all of you who couldn't make it today.

It's hard to believe the season has reached its end, but what a fun year we had! Our remote-start locations were a great success, and allowed us to expand our route options and breakfast destinations beyond the same-old, same old. It also gave us an opportunity to bridge the gap that had built over the years between the folks who wished to ride longer miles with those preferring something shorter. A few of our many rides this summer included off-road trail rides to Boxford, a ride to Plum Island and breakfast at Mad Martha's (a first for several), the backroads of Ipswich, and a return Gloucester! (It had been a long time since we all went to Gloucester together!) We also went hiking!! (Weather and temperatures permitting, we'll try and plan a few hiking and snowshoeing breakfast adventures this winter.)

We had sunny skies today, but alas only one rider After our breakfast, and sharing hugs and warm wishes with each other, I headed out to Salem Willows and Winter Island thinking about our wonderful Cyclopath family. How lucky we are! Keep smiling, everyone! xoxo Tam

Morning sunshine on Winter Island

1 comment:

222kante said...

Much appreciation to you, Tammy, for all that you do for the Cyclopaths to keep us together and move forward. Happy, healthy Thanksgiving to all. Cyclopathically yours, Sheldon and Fran